
Planning Page

This is the planning page for my TV channel website i will use my research to carry out this, the aim of the planning page is to gather the following infomation.

What are the pages of the website going to feature (use research to decide this)
Where i am going to take the images and videos to feature on the website
What text size and font that i am going to use within the website.
Audio if any?
The content style that i am going to offer.

Pages that are going to be on the website

Home page - The home page is the heart of any website users should be able to acess any part of the website from this page and it should be simple to do. On my website i plan to have the links to other areas of the website on the top of the page many television websites do this including the BBC. By placing it here it makes it more user friendly and that is a massive benifit when it comes to using a website.
Scheduling - This is key to a TV channels running, this page is needed to show viewers to the website whats on when and on this page i plan to follow the connations of well known TV channels such as the BBC
Featured programs - On this page i plan to have a breakdown of a selection of a few of the programs that i plan the station to offer on this page their will be apporiate images , audio , video with relation to the progams.

Extra Pages if i decide to add more content

About - what the station is about and what we will offer our viewers in terms with content and how we are diffrent from station.

Contact - Infomation about the conatcting the station

what to expect - A video will be displayed introducing you to the site.

Planned Logo's

Below are Logo's that i have created and one of which i plan to use for my website.

  This logo for the new tv station Documentry Televsion,appeals to the human eye from a distance away. This makes it eye catching for the users and by people seeing such a logo that embeds in their mind makes remember the station just for its logo image.

 This is my second logo design, I feel that have to create a design that is more formal however tells the audiance what type of station i am creating and i belive this logo does that. And it will appeal to the older audiance range so 50 plus who are looking for a proffesinal factual website.
This is my third logo design, i have  created it inorder for there to be somthing more diffrent and fun looking on the website however i fell that it appeals to a lower ranged audiance such as children opposed to adults.
This logo has been designed to make the documenatry feel be part of the logo, so when a person enters the website they can tell from the colours what to expect and with the case of this logo, the repensation of the blue represents freedom which relates to the documentary catagory. Of adventure and discovery furthermoe the green represents nature and undiscovery, this shows to the audiance what the genre is about. Furthemore with the combenation of the two it creates the documenatry felling. Through the colours and font used.

The logo that i feel that is most suitable for my TV channel is number four the reason for this is that i belive it is diffrent from the standard television station channel logo. The logo i will include on all my web pages on my website therefore by doing this i am establishing my brand image for the station across the website.

Planned Layouts on Home page , Scheduling, Featured programs,

Below is the list of my 3 designs for my Home page , scheduling and featured programs and i have had add a design if i select the option to add more pages

After reviewing the 3 layouts i feel that layout number one is best suited for my televsion station the reason for this is that i belive the location of the text is in connation of other websites and therefore the generic theme should make it easy for users when the log on the site and view the website.

The 4th Layout (Extra pages)

This layout i feel is most suited if i was to add the extra pages as it allows the user to navigate around the website easily.
The program that i plan to use when i come to creating my website?

Serif webplus is the program that i plan to use is the creation of my website.
WebPlus is a website design program for Microsoft Windows, developed by UK-based software company Serif. It allows users to design, create and upload their website onto the internet without any knowledge of HTML or other web technologies.
 Much like Microsoft Word, WebPlus uses drag and drop editing to add and position text, images and links as they would appear on the finished web page. Once a user has designed their site, WebPlus can preview the site in a web browser before uploading the site using the in-built FTP.
 The software comes with a variety of pre-designed websites which can be used as a template for quickly designing a site. It also provides drawing tools for creating and editing buttons and web graphics.

Another site creation tool i could use is wix websites, on their it enables me to design what  i want to include, import picture, add text , crop photos etc.

After experimenting with the two i have decided that WIX will be the most suited and most proffesinal way about creating my TV channels website.

    Photo's that i have taken and may plan on using
Below are images that i have taken first hand and if i decide to use them i will editing


Image Number
This image was taken in Paris in the Louvre museum. The image is unique in that the light reflections are all smooth, by this I mean the contrast between the raise of the sun has been captured in a way that shows of the sunning glass feature that the museum hosted. The reason for me planning on using this image in my website as it is natural and I mean by that it does not relate typically to the documentary genre however the feeling, It creates is that of freedom and discovery which is directly related to the documentary genre. 
This image is that of the Notre Dame Cathedral Paris this image I planned to use at the time of taking the image however I did not capture it from the right angle therefore, I have made a decision not to use this image on my website
This Image is of the river scene in Paris the reason for me taking this shot was to show the beauty, of the city and of its waterways. As documentary programs have been made exploring cities etc. The shot itself is that off a medium shot 
This Image was also taken inside the Louvre museum in the shot I wanted to create was a close up however it was unsuccessful due to the zoom on the camera however. I still believe the shot still highlights the mood I was trying to create and that of a discovery and that when we can see straight through an item its air that divides us and so freedom is portrayed.
This Image was also taken outside the Louvre museum in the shot I wanted to create was a low angle shot and divide the image between building and air. This shot is one that I value most due to it being unique in that the light conditions highlighted the beauty of the shot.
This was a long shot of the arch de trophthie, at the time of taking the shot I wanted to capture the monument from angle however I did not discover until returning to uploading the photos. The shot was ruined due to someone’s head being in the way.  
This shot was taken in Langkawi Malaysia this image is a long shot I took this shot to show beauty of the area, the image itself I took to use as an image in relation to a program that I wanted to be used on the website to promote the channel. 
This shot was taken in Langkawi Malaysia on the outskirts of Kuha. I was extremely lucky to be able to take an image close up of a monkey furthermore to the setting compliments the surroundings and works  well as an image overall
In the same location as shot 8 I was again lucky to be able to take the image.
This image was taken in Hong Kong and is a high angle shot, the purpose of me taken this shot, is to display on the website as a program connected to it under the documentary genre. The image has been captured at a perfect angle and the lighting at that time was also correct for me to create the perfect shot. 
This image was taken on the runway at Penang airport Malaysia, Documentary means traveling to unexplored places in different countries in the world and that was the reason I took this shot in that location, as the medium shot showed off the surrounding and also complemented the aircraft on the runway. 
This image is a low angle shot; it was taken in Kuala Lumper Malaysia. The shot itself is that of the twin towers. At the time I was planning to use the image as a welcome page on its own, With limited text. 
This image was taken on the runway at Hong Kong airport the reason I took this shot , Documentary means traveling to unexplored places in different countries in the world and that was the reason I took this shot in that location.
As the same as image 13. This image was taken on the runway at Hong Kong airport the reason I took this shot , Documentary means traveling to unexplored places in different countries in the world and that was the reason I took this shot in that location.
This image was taken on a gullet boat and it is a close up shot.
This image was taken in Langkawi Malaysia the reason I took this shot was show of the area to viewers on my website and with the intention in my head to make my thoughts come across to them that all over the world there are places that show their true colours at any time of the year. This was a high angle shot
This image was taken in Langkawi Malaysia the reason I took this shot was show of the area and the structure of the attraction.
This image was taken a marina in Antalya the reason for me taken this shot is that I took images of following from airport and I wanted to include other transports methods. To show what documentary is about in simple terms.
This image was taken off the coast of Turkey and shows that of the Flag of  the country, the reason for me taken this shot is similar representation to shot 18,13 & 14

Video planning which is going to be used on the website

The idea is to make a introduction video for my documentry tv channel website, the website
is exclusive for documentry catagory of television.

Powerpoint presentation backdrop :

Below is the power point of explantion what was in the powerpoint that was used in the
backdrop of my video and explains the idea that i hope it could offer when it is filmed.

Another option that i may considor to do (Story board)

Video that will be displayed on the homepage of the website

After a long decusion i have have decided to use the story board option of the actual human compared to a back drop and human interaction,  the reason that i have decided to do this is for the reason that the mood i wanted to create on my website is that of a personal feel as that of people in my audiance age range are looking for the interaction (As people between 20-40) want to be left to their own devices to explore my documentary website, due to them being used to emerging technolagy and if i was to go with the backdrop i feel that i may be insulting my audiances inteliagance. The video has been presented by Declan Callahan the reason for this is that he has the correct language, that will be suitable and furthermore he has a freindly and welcoming character to him.

The video has been uploaded onto the webiste and has been put togather in Windows movie maker, the reason for me selecting this software program to edit the filming is the features of being able to change the lighting etc. To give the introduction movie to the website a proffesinal look to it, with regards to its creation.